Over the past 15 months Fork on the Road has received a bunch of media coverage, you can view these below, they include a series of videoes that have been made and multiple articles written about Fork on the Road

The awesome people at Twinstar Pro made a video for Splash Adelaide on the inaugral Fork on the Road held on November 30 2012 in Victoria Square.


Brought to you by www.southaustralia.com as part of the Through Local Eyes film project. South Australia through the eyes of local film makers, Tim Standing and Adam Forte from Daylight Breaks. This film covered the first Fork on the Road held at the Depot on 8 February 2013.


As the Adelaide Fringe frenzy comes to a close, join ZTV as we get the most out of the last day at ‘The Depot’ and enjoy all the tastes and treats from ‘Fork on the Road’ and ‘Damn the Man’ markets. This film by Zhivago TV covered the second Fork on the Road at the Depot on the 15 March 2013.